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Newlands School

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  1. Our Provision
  2. Classes 2023-24
  3. Bronze Class

In the Jungle- Summer 1

May 2024

Bronze Class have had a busy term learning all about the Jungle. In Science we learnt about amphibians and mammals that could live in the Jungle and their life cycle. In Geography we have been exploring Maps. We have looked at the Globe, Maps of different countries and in ICT made our own map of the school to let the BeeBot explore. In English our Sensory Story was the ‘Jungle Book.’ We loved using all the different resources to help us act out and bring the story to life. We also used Colourful semantics to make sentence around the story.

Summer Trip

June 2024

This week Bronze Class have visited Tropical World in Leeds for their end of year Class trip.

They  had the best time exploring the different tropical zones. First they walked through the jungle and saw different Butterfly’s, fish and crocodiles! Next they explored the aquarium and found lots of different types of fish. Then they found snakes, beetles, stick insects inside all of the different tanks. Finally Bronze Class loved watching the monkeys in their trees and the meerkats run in the desert area.


Science Week

March 2024
During Science week last week, every class took part in an Invention Competition. Bronze Class invented a “snack-a-pult” - a catapult to launch snacks and treats. We had great fun designing and making our Snackapult, working together as a team to complete it. We had even more fun trying out our invention to see how far we could make the treats fly!
At the end of the week, some of our school governors came into school to judge all the inventions—we were very very proud that the Snackapult won!!

Happy Healthy Week

February 2024


During Happy Healthy Week Bronze class took part in lots of different activities, including Yoginis Yoga, Skylight Circus, smoothie making, and a pamper session using the footspas. One of our favourite activities was our session with Mayfield Rugby Club. We ran, jumped and played catch with the rugby ball. 


October 2023


Bronze class have been busy in topic sessions constructing different types of things. We have built towers, bridges, houses and rockets. In Maths, we have been developing our knowledge of 2D shapes and sorting as needed. We have also enjoyed a Minibus trip out to Truffet Park, moving and playing on different equipment. We have been very busy and had lots of fun with the adults and peers in our class!

Autumn One Term

October 2023


Our first Autumn term has been a very busy start to the year. We have settled well into our class, made some new friends and already begun to learn lots of new skills.  We hope you enjoy looking through the photographs and reading about a ‘snapshot’ of our learning in Bronze Class. laughing

In Maths, our focus has been on using Numicon and learning more about properties of shapes: We used different 2D shapes to replicate a picture on a card. We counted the sides to help us check we had the right shape that we needed and then positioned these in the correct place to make a train etc. We used wooden blocks to build simple structures such as a bridge and a tower. We practised putting an animal "Under, Next to and On top of" when the adults verbalised a positional word. We used balls to count with 1-1 correspondence and find out what number each Numicon piece represented. We matched the colour of balls to the Numicon colour and successfully counted/ verbalised numbers up 5 in order.

In Communication, our focus has been developing our attention/listening skills and using language to make requests and choose items to play with. We have participated in a range of Bucket Time sessions and our current favourite is watching an adult make a Bubble Snake. It is very exciting then when we take turns to pop the bubbles!

In English, we have been completing lots of writing and developing the control we have when using pens and writing tools. We have been reading various stories in our reading lessons such as ‘The Mouse in the House’ and ‘The Dark, Dark Night.  We have also been taking part in role play for our Drama lessons such as ‘Being builders’ in our Grand Designs topic and ‘Being Detectives’ during our Light topic to investigate which characters were making shadows.

We made 3D houses in Design technology, made vegetable pasties in Food Technology and explored what things were made out of in Science.

We look forward to sharing with you lots more exciting learning next half term.