PiraMidd - our link with Middleton Schools
We are proud to work alongside our local primary schools as part of PIRAMidd - Partners In Raising Achievement In Middleton.
Our Teachers and Headteachers meet regularly to plan for and implement developments across the curriculum. This involves sharing good practice, supporting schools and colleagues, providing great experiences and learning opportunities for all local children and supporting an Initial Teacher Training Programme too. We also link up with local high schools St Anne's Academy and Edgar Wood.
PIRAMidd is an important aspect of our School Improvement Work
Twitter: If you search tweets with the hashtag #PIRAMIDD you will be able to find out about the other schools involved in this.
We are very lucky to be co-located with Hollin Primary.
This means that we
- have the same uniform and are part of the same Learning Community
- see one other in the corridors all the time
- sometimes play together
- sometimes sing together (Celebrate and Sing events)
- sometimes spend time in lessons together (e.g. during Friendship Week, for social development, for learning support or for learning challenge)
- sometimes share facilities (e.g. Hollin 'trim trail', Newlands' soft play and light room)
Being co-located with Hollin is a distinctive feature of Newlands. Whilst we are 2 separate Schools, with separate staff teams, leadership teams, Governing Boards and admission procedures, we work to make this a very positive aspect for all pupils.
Parents, please note that attendance at either Hollin or Newlands has no influence of the school placement of siblings, and access to the co-located school does not form part of any EHCP statutory provision.