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Newlands School

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  1. Our Provision
  2. Classes 2023-24
  3. Green Class

Summer Trip 

June 2024

Green Class visited Tropical World in Leeds for our summer trip. We were extremely lucky with fabulous weather, and loved making the most of the sunshine on the outdoor play areas. We saw lots different creatures along the way, but we especially enjoyed watching the different fish and the turtles.


Wonderful Water

June 2024

This half term, our topic is 'Wonderful Water". We have started by looking at the different weather conditions. We have been exploring sunny weather, rainy weather, snowy weather and windy weather. We have been thinking about the different clothes that we need to wear for the different weather. We are getting really good at taking off our coats independently, but we find putting them on a bit harder, so we have been practising.

We have done some experiments with different materials and investigated which ones will be blown in the wind.

We have had pretend snowball fights and have been exploring rice and tubes to listen to the noise it makes. It sounds just like rain!

We are looking forward to the rest of the topic-where we will be thinking about the different uses of water and thinking about the different transport that travels on the water......but we are hoping to see some sun!  


April 2024

Our topic this half term is “Animals”, so this week in Green Class we have been thinking all about pets-and animals that might live at our houses. We started the week by reading the book “The Pet Shop” and thought all about the different animals we could have as pets. We then matched animals from the story to their pictures. We had a visit from Butter the rabbit and talked about the different things we need to do to keep our pets healthy and safe. We talked about what happens to animals that are feeling poorly or unwell and dressed up as vets. We used stethoscopes to try and find out how we could make them better!

We then went to visit “Manchester Pets and Aquatics Centre” and looked at all the different animals. What a busy start to the term we have had!

Spring 2024

March 24

We have been learning all about our families and how much we have grown since we were babies. We have been thinking about all the different things we can do, now that we are older. We have been trying to put our own coats on and brush our own teeth. Please encourage us to do this at home too! 

Settling in

November 2023


Green Class have settled really well into life at Newlands School! All of the children are new to school and have enjoyed their first half term. They have visited different areas around school-the Hydro pool and the Light Room are particular favourites! We have been out on the minibus to visit different parks and have had lots of fun, exploring new environments. We are making great progress in being independent-and have even made jam sandwiches! This half term, our topic is “Colour”, so we have been busy using different colours to paint-and have been looking at how we can make the colours change. Well done Green Class!

Green Class have had a great first half term!

October 2023


What a great start to the academic year in Green Class!

All the children have settled really well into the class routines and have enjoyed visiting different areas and spaces around school. The children have been exploring our new interactive floor in the 'Light room' and our swimming sessions in the Hydrotherapy pool have been a definite hit with all children!

We have been encouraging the children to be as independent as possible-they have even made their own jam sandwiches!

Well done Green Class-keep up the good work!