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Newlands School

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  1. Our Provision
  2. Classes 2023-24
  3. Silver Class


June 2024

During PE, we have started to learn about Orienteering. We read simple maps and used keys to identify what equipment we needed to collect, we then run relays with our friends in our team to collect the equipment before using the map to make sure we placed it in the correct position. This was tricky but we worked well as a team to encourage and help each other.


Summer 1

May 2024

This half term our topic has been 'In The Jungle'. During Design Technology we have designed and made our very own jungle animal hand puppets. We have learnt to follow designs and how to sew! Our Science focus has been investigating animals and their life cycles. We have looked at the life cycles of mammals, reptiles, plants and insects and even had some caterpillars in class that we watched grow and change.

As well as all of our amazing learning in class we have also had an amazing Sports Day and our residential trip to Moorland Home. We had a fantastic time and learnt lots of independence skills.

Next half term our topic is 'The Great Outdoors'.

Spring 2

March 2024

Silver Class have had a very busy half term!

During this half term we have enjoyed Science Week where we got a visit from some very special guests, we invented a chocolate egg making robot and took part in lots of different Science experiments. We have taken part in World Book Day and created our own book about 'Super Silver Class'. We had special events for Mother's Day and Red Nose Day and we have learnt all about Easter during our Easter Topic week.

As well as all this... we have continued with our usual timetable and topic and learnt about 'people from the recent past'. In Art, we have studied different artists and their artwork and created our own versions of this and during History we have been creating simple timelines.

Our topic for next half term is 'In the Jungle'.

Claude Monet

February 2024

Silver Class have started to learn about people from the 19th and 20th century. This week during our Art lesson, we learnt about Claude Monet and the impressionist style of painting. We investigated Monet’s artwork and realised that he uses lots of dots! We used cotton buds to create our own ‘dotty’ impressionist artwork.

Spring 1

February 2024


Silver Class have had a fantastic and very busy half term. Our topic has been our Favourite Things.

During Science we have been learning about Rocks and have investigated how igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are made using Starburst! We experimented with different ingredients to make erupting volcanoes and made our own fossils.

In PSHE we have learnt about keeping safe, including what is safe to put on and inside our bodies, what foods we need to say healthy and who should be helping us with medicines when we need them. We also learnt about keeping safe online and who we can talk to at home or at school if something we see does not feel ok.

During PE we have been focusing on game skills and have learnt about and played Hockey, Basketball and archery! We have also started swimming at Middleton Arena each Wednesday.

The final week of the half term was Happy Healthy Week. During this week we continued to develop our football skills with City in the Community, but we also got a chance to learn some new skills. We took part in a Circus Skills workshop with Skylight Circus where we learnt to spin plates and do tricks with flower sticks. We have also played Rugby, made fruit kebabs and had a visit from Harold the Giraffe who taught us all about our bodies and feelings.

Next half term our topic is 'People from the recent past (19th/ 20th century).


October 2023


Silver Class have been working very hard on developing their Maths skills using Numicon shapes and number rods.
Some of Silver Class worked on recognising the numerals and matching these to the correct Numicon shapes. Others have been working on recognising and making teen numbers and then finding these on a number line and some of us have been working out which rod represents each number by measuring those using 1-rods and counting to find the total.
Our favourite part of the lesson had to be finding the shapes and rods in the sand and printing them in playdough!

Autumn 1

October 2023


Silver Class have had a brilliant start to the new school year and everyone has settled in really quickly.

This half term our topic has been Grand Designs. In Science, we have learnt about and investigated different materials and in Design Technology we have designed and built houses using different construction materials and junk modelling.

In Maths this half term, we have been using Numicon to make larger numbers, getting to know the names of the number rods and have learnt all about 2D and 3D shapes. We have learnt the names of the shapes, sorted shapes according to the number or side and corners and investigated if 3D shapes roll or slide… or both!

Our focus in PE has been Gymnastics. We have learnt lots of different types of rolls and jumps, and even jumped from a platform!

We have also had lots of amazing trips on the bus; including, Truffet Park and Chadderton Park, and learnt how to say ‘hello, my name is…’ in Spanish.

Next half term our topic is Light Up (Electricity), so we are looking forward to having lots of fun and learning new things.